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Council Members
幸獲主的垂愛,在2003年12月6日在主教Allen Vigneron的覆手和祈禱下,我領受了執事聖職。
It is a blessing to be able to praise and to thank the Holy Trinity in the Eucharistic celebration of Mass in a foreign land in one's own language. Our group of Catholics is evangelizing the yet-to-be-parishioners in the Bay Area in the spirit of serving God for our brothers and sisters.
I am honored and by the love of God, on December 6, 2003, under the imposition of hands and prayers by Bishop Allen Vigneron, I received the holy orders of deaconship.
We hope to meet you, to hear your story and to share God's infinite love and mercy. May Almighty God bless you and your loved ones with peace and joy!
款待及服務組長 Hospitality and Health Ministry Coordinator
Grace Tom
我是GRACE TOM,一位退休的註册內外專科護士。曾經在三個國家護理過成年人及不同年齡的兒童。我自從2014年活躍在屋崙華人牧民中心,義務款代及健康知訊事項。我主要生命的宗旨是保持個人及周圍的人身體,精神及聖靈的健康,才可侍奉天主。
I am Grace Tom, a retired Certified Medical Surgical Registered Nurse for over 40 years, in 3 different countries, nursing adults and children of different ages. I have been active in the Oakland Chinese Catholic Community since 2014, volunteering in Hospitality, Health and Wellness Ministry. My main life goal is to keep myself and people around me to be healthy mentally, physically and spiritually, in order to serve God more efficiently.