每周講道 Homily >

常年期第15主日 HOMILY 15th Sunday OT A July 16, 2023


Homily 15th Sunday OT A

Franklin Fong, OFM


Today’s readings are all centered on the WORD of GOD!


The first reading from Isaiah talks about the effectiveness of the Word of God. The psalm 65 talks about God as a good provider. The second reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans talks about our destiny through the Words of the earlier missionaries and Paul. And the Gospel verses of Matthew talks about the Word of God sown on good people, who will produce much fruit. So let’s look at each reading now in more detail.


The first reading tells us that it is God who sends the Word of God to all of us, humans so that we may become productive. It is compared to the rain that falls and nurtures the earth before it goes back to the sky. As people of faith, are we nurtured by the Word of God in our head, heart and hands? IT is so easy to delay the return of the Word to God when we are inattentive or negligent simply disobedient.


The second reading develops the theme of the fruit of the Word of God sown to Christians, who respond to it generously. The fruit is the ability to suffer and to embrace that suffering as a transition to the promised glory. It takes many years of anyone’s faith journey to learn how to sacrifice for the Lord and embrace sufferings, when we are given tasks and mission in our church and community. No one ever said it would be easy !!!


The gospel reading tells us how to receive the Word of God. The Word of God does not grow if the soil is not well prepared. Remember the soil refers to our head, heart and hands ! So, we must be well prepared to receive the Word of God so that once it is sown, it will grow and bear fruit in our head, heart and hands! To be receptive to the Word of God, we must do a lot of work to change ourselves. We must remove sins of materialism or sins of too many distractions, or sins of not being seriously committed from our hearts. A life of sin and distractions impede the growth of God’s Word in us. We have our entire lives to gradually work on cultivating the soils of our head, heart and hands and to free ourselves of temptations and sins.


So now let’s look at the unifying themes between these readings.


The first reading talks about the efficacious and efficient Word of God. The psalm talks about God as a good provider. The second reading talks about our destiny as seen through the Words of the earlier missionaries and Paul. And finally, the gospel reading talks about the different ways that the Word of God can be received by good people, who will produce much fruit with some special effort.


Clearly then it is all about the interaction between God and us. What is most vital in life is what goes on between God and each one of us. It is all about what God initiates and then how we respond. The outcome of this dialogue will be our eternal success or failure, our life or our death.


I am especially affected by the Gospel verses about a farmer sowing seed in all places. It is spoken and heard everywhere, even in the most unlikely places. Despite the different ways that God’s word is challenged, the harvest will be abundant. Ultimately God’s kingdom will triumph and produced much more that expected.


Jesus continues his parable by underlining the importance of the dispositions of those who hear the word of God. They respond to God in different ways. So whether we benefit from God’s loving invitation depends on our openness to him. Do we understand with our hearts and our inner conviction to make it our own? So we appreciate what God wished to communicate to us and achieve in us? How does God speak to us? With what disposition do we listen to God’s word? With what disposition do we listen to each other?


So take some time in the coming week to reflect on these questions:

• Do you pay attention to the Word of God?

• Is there a change in you after having encountered the Word of God in the liturgy and in your private reading?

• How do we best receive God’s Word?


Brothers and Sisters of

the Chinese Catholic Community of St Leander Parish

that is the Good News for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Alleluia Alleluia






常年期(甲年)第十五主日 (07/16/2023)
讀經一: 依撒意亞先知書 55:10-11
讀經二: 聖保祿宗徒致羅馬人書: 8:18-23
聖瑪竇福音: 13:1-23
讀經一的依撒意亞先知書談到天主話語的功效。聖詠第 65 篇說到上主是個良好的供應者。在讀經二聖保祿宗徒寫給羅馬人的書信中,通過早期傳教士和保祿的說話論及我們的命運。瑪竇福音的經文也談到上主的道撒在好人身上,他們會結出許多果實。現在讓我們更詳細地看看每一篇經文。

耶穌繼續衪的比喻,強調聽天主話語的人所具備的性情也很重要,他們以不同的方式回應上主, 所以我們能否從上主的慈愛邀請中得到益處,取決於我們對祂的開放程度。我們是否用心理解並堅信將天主慈愛的邀請變成驅動我們前進的動力?我們是否感激上主向我們傳達,並希望在我們身上實現的東西嗎?天主如何對我們說話?我們以什麼心態聆聽天主的話語?我們又用什麼態度來傾聽彼此的聲音?

• 你有聆聽天主的話語嗎?
• 在禮儀和個人靈修閱讀中聽到天主的話語後,你的內心有變化嗎?
• 我們如何更好地接受天主的話語?
