每周講道 Homily >

四旬期第三主日 3rd Sunday of Lent 3/3/2024



Fr. David Matz


“Quid Pro Quo”在拉丁文中的意思是「以這個換那個!」


















3rd Sunday of L

ent – Cycle B, 2024

Fr. David Matz



“Quid Pro Quo” In Latin it means, “this for that!”

In conversation we might say: I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine!

For example, you’re going on vacation, and you ask your neighbor to take out your garbage cans to the curb while you’re away. It’s perfectly reasonable to for the neighbor to expect you to return the favor when he/she goes away.

It’s the way the world works.

How would you feel if for a year your neighbor borrowed your toolbox, and the one time you need to borrow something,

he says no? You’d be annoyed!

If you don’t give me the “Quid!” I won’t give you the “Quo”!

Deal making is hardwired into the human condition.

in social and political spheres of our lives.

The same can be said of our spiritual relationship with God.

Most especially when we try to broker that relationship by adding rules to try to make ourselves look better.

Look at the 10 commandments given to Moses today.

Remember that we had to memorize them.

And God help us if we recited them out of order!

If you didn’t do it well, you were humiliated, F in Faith

If you did remember them well, and there was always that one person, I was often that person, you were rewarded! A in faith!

It turned ugly in Jesus’ time with temple worship.

Exchange was the name of the game.

Worshippers give God something; God gives worshippers something: a sacrificial animal for forgiveness of sins and for help!

Notice the different animals Jesus chased off: the more perfect the sacrifice, the more assurance of forgiveness and help.

Temple worship degenerates into deal making.

No wonder Jesus got angry: animals and money were inappropriate sacrifices because they mask our spiritual relationship with God, the Father, and they mask the priority of the Father’s free gift of love.

Can’t pay the price, can’t sacrifice the bird,

no relationship and no love!

God does not exchange favors for sacrifices! The Father is a free flow of spiritual life and love that cannot be brought.

Quid pro quo is not of God!

God is pro bono! Free and for good!


Jesus comes into a world strapped into the constraints of “quid pro quo! And Jesus gave himself without costing the cost, without expecting to be reimbursed!

So why did he cleanse the temple in such anger and invoke the ire of the religious leaders?

Notice, Jesus calls the “temple” his “Father’s house.”

The type of worship going on was inappropriate. It was this conflict that wields the whip, frees the animals, overturns the tables, and spills the coins.

These leaders miss the sign, miss the clues, that we are given!

Jesus’ restructuring of temple worship will evoke their ire.

When Jesus used the word, “destroy” he’s talking directly to them.

They will destroy the temple of his body, we which know is the temple of God. But their malicious efforts will only reveal the Father’s power of resurrection.

Jesus’ resurrection is both the sign they seek and the sign they cannot read!

The cleansing of the Temple means so much more for us Christians.

Remember, the letter to the Hebrews sees Jesus, the Lamb of God, becoming the “once-and-for-all” perfect sacrifice that ends the need of ongoing animal sacrifices.

Paul sees the bodies of believers becoming temples of a “living sacrifice” which is a form of worship acceptable to God!

Both theses directions undermine the actual building of the Temple and its animal sacrifices.

Jesus, in the temple of his risen body, has relocated the Sacred.

God is not in a building, but in the body of Jesus,

and among community of the dead and risen Jesus!

The hard truth it’s easy to repudiate the Temple,

it’s difficult to eradicate the deal making God, quid pro quo!


The Father of Jesus, who is not at home in the images of the marketplace, is at home when we are simply grateful for life and serve life in whatever way we can. God the Father and Jesus the Son is “pro bono.” When we can receive and give and when we can find joy in both, we are at play in “the temple” of Christ’s body.

What is freely given is to be freely given away!

We have been admitted to the “Holy of Holies.”

Our sacrifice is cooperation with the divine sacrifice that makes life holy by giving of our selves.

Our joy is not “quid pro quo,” but in “pro bono.”