每周講道 Homily >

耶穌升天節 Solemnity of the Ascension 05/12/2024



Fr. Fernando Cortz











Solemnity of the Ascension – Cycle B

05 12 2024 – Cantonese Mass – 3pm

Fr. Fernando Cortz


Today we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ into heaven. The Acts of the Apostle and Saint Mark’s Gospel recount the same story but each from a different point of interest. Written at different times, but each preserving the same testimony in order to preserve one mission and commission for the Church. Each history benefits the kingdom of God in the mission of the Church.

The fruits of this mission are visible and invisible. They are invisible in the uncounted number of angels and saints, gifts and spiritual powers given to the Church and upon its pilgrimage throughout the centuries. They are visible in the greatness of the many, varied works realized by the apostolates and ministries yesterday, today and tomorrow. According to Saint Mark, Jesus accompanies us in miraculous works. According to the Acts of the Apostles, the power of the Holy Spirit inspired them to preach and witness to the Divine Truth. We are not alone in the work of Christ

The depth and richness of the Lord’s command, the mission and our unity with God are illuminated in the Letter to the Ephesians. It is worth it to read and meditate on the words of Saint Paul. In Christ all is given by the heavenly Father to the Church. The works of the servants will be many according to the vocations granted to the life of the Church. The kingdom of God is with us, among us, and communicated through us to the world. Christ began the saving work, free the captives and filled the universe with his glorified Person. We are the beneficiaries.

On a pastoral note: we are invited by this mystery to release, free the good souls of our beloved brothers and sisters We show leave them in the hands of God. With the passing of time our loved ones ascend beyond the limits of memory, our human memory to live in the glory of eternal life. Our hope is to ascend with them some day into heaven forever.

The Ascension also indicates a potential for maturity in the Church. The Risen Lord disappears until the end of time. Yet, he remains with us in Spirit and Truth. He permits the Church to lead its life in the History of Salvation. Here, in the midst of the duties and trials of this world, we remain faithful to God and his beloved Son and our friend, Jesus Christ.

With hope and joy let us await the return of the Lord. May he find his Church busy in the works of salvation and freedom of the kingdom of God.