每周講道 Homily >

聖枝主日Palm Sunday 03/24/2024



Fr. Fernando Cortz




聖枝主日後不久,人們就拋棄了主耶穌。他曾經被稱為國王和默西亞,現在卻遭到暴民的攻擊,他們高喊:「把他釘在十字架上,把他釘在十字架上!」那些與他最親近的人,因為擔心自己的生命安全而逃跑。一個無名字的年輕人……赤裸裸地逃脫了。他是誰?猶達斯? 到絕望,失去了希望,自殺。其他人躲起來。只有少數婦女、主耶穌心愛的門徒若望和一些長者勇敢地站在主耶穌身邊直到最後。我們是否好像這些人一樣!






Palm Sunday (B), Cantonese Mass – 3pm

St. Leander (03 24 2024)

Fr. Fernando Cortz


Palm Sunday takes us through many emotions and reactions of the human condition regarding life, death, sin and the hope of redemption.  Through the entire experience Jesus leads the way enduring suffering, surrendering to death and a hope for a glorious future beyond the veil of death in paradise.

This is the oldest and most important story about Jesus.  This is how people were introduced to Jesus.  It was not his birth or ministry or miracles.  It is a story of betrayal, abandonment, suffering and a scandalous death.  It is the confession of faith from the Apostles.  There is personal and collective sin, but also redemption, even as Jesus is lead away to death, death on a cross!  Faith requires impossible trust!‘

Not long after Palm Sunday the people abandon Jesus.  Once claimed as king and Messiah, now a mob turns on him and cries out, “Crucify him, crucify him!”  Those closest to him run away in fear for their own lives.  A young man without name, escapes… naked.  Who is he?  Judas despairs, loses hope, kills himself.  Others hide.  Only a few women, John the beloved disciple, and a few harmless old men will be brave and stand by Jesus to the end.  Are we like any of these people!

Peter is curious about the arrest of Jesus.  Why does he take such a risk?  His foolishness and fear lead Peter to deny knowing Jesus.  There are bitter tears away from the crowd.  Are we like Peter?

There is a glimmer of light and hope.  The passion and death of Jesus inspire a pagan Roman, a centurion officer, to say about Jesus, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”  Can I share the confession of the Centurion and recognize Jesus: Jesus as sent from God, sacrificed by God, to die and rise in glory through his Resurrection? 

King David once wrote, “Only goodness and kindness follow me, all the days of my life…”  Joseph of Arimathea was good and kind to Jesus.  He courageously claimed the body of Jesus.  He provided a place for burial, safety from lawless robbers and wild animals.  There were witnesses.  The women of Jesus’ family and friends dared to follow, remembered the place and then went away to prepare good things for the body of Jesus: incense powders, perfumes, oil, perhaps gold coins to cover his eyes…  Do we not do the same for the honor of our loved ones?  Love helped a few to offer Jesus only the best!  Might we not do the same for each other while we live?