亞瑟‧東尼 (Arthur Tonne) 蒙籍講述了一個美麗的故事。清楚表達今天福音的信息。幾年前,俄克拉荷馬州的一名巴士司機創下了一項不同尋常的記錄。23年內,他開過巴士超過 90萬英里,沒有發生任何交通意外。當被問及是如何做得到的時候,他給了這個簡單的回答:「看著路面。」
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Advent is a time of waiting and hoping, of renewing our trust in God’s merciful love and care, and of reflecting on the several comings (advents) of Christ into our lives. Besides Jesus’ first coming at birth, we are asked to reflect on Christ’s coming as the risen Lord at Easter, in the Sacraments (especially the Eucharist), in our everyday lives, at the moment of death, and at the end of human history (the second coming). The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, which literally means “come to.” During this Advent season, we ourselves should consider “coming to” Christ, by “abounding in love… for all,” because Christ has already “come to” us in Baptism.
Just as we ended the previous liturgical season with an apocalyptic description of the end of the world, we begin the new season of Advent with similar apocalyptic warnings. The Church invites us to join the ongoing pilgrimage of Faith by showing us a prophetic vision of Christ’s first coming (advent), through the prophecy of Jeremiah, and a prophetic vision of Christ’s glorious, final Second Coming (Parousia) through the Gospel selection from Luke. The Church also reminds us, through the second reading, of Christ’s daily coming, here and now, into our lives and those of our brothers and sisters — everyone for whom Jesus died.
The holy Catholic Church reminds us that these are days of “joyful and prayerful anticipation of Jesus’ coming,” because the Advent season is intended to fill us with great expectations for the coming of the Messiah, just as parents expectantly wait for the birth of their child and make preparations for receiving the child into their family. We know that all valuable things in life—a healthy child, a loving marriage relationship, a work of art, a scientific discovery—need a period of quiet incubation.
There is a beautiful anecdote given by Msgr. Arthur Tonne clarifying the message of today’s Gospel. Several years ago, a bus driver in Oklahoma reached an unusual record. In 23 years, he had driven a bus over 900,000 miles without a single accident. When asked how he had done it, he gave this simple answer: “Watch the road.”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives the same advice in several ways: “Be vigilant at all times,” “Stand erect,” “Raise your heads,” “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy.” Similarly, the prophet Jeremiah calls us to remain hopeful and trust in God’s justice and providence, reminding us that the Lord will fulfill His promises despite frightening events or moral decay. This spirit of prayerful waiting is echoed by the Psalmist: “For you I wait all day long.” Jeremiah’s hopeful vision was fulfilled in Jesus, and Paul reminds us to actively prepare for His coming by abounding in love and strengthening our hearts in holiness. A good Catholic must, therefore, remain spiritually alert, watchful of God’s ways, and actively engaged in faith and love, just as we are told to stand erect and raise our heads when redemption is near.
This is not only good spiritual advice for the Advent season but also a safe rule for daily life. A good football player or basketball player should always concentrate his attention on the ball and the players. A good student must be alert, awake, and attentive, watching the teacher and listening to his or her words. A good Catholic in the Church must be physically and mentally alert, watching the altar and actively participating in the prayers and songs.
Like the Roman god Janus, who had two faces, one looking at the past year and the other looking into the future, Christians during the Advent season are to look at the past event of the first coming of Jesus into the world and expectantly look forward to Jesus’ second coming in glory.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to prepare ourselves for Christ’s Second Coming by allowing Jesus to be reborn daily in our lives. Advent gives us time to make this preparation by repenting of our sins, by renewing our lives through prayer and penance, and by sharing our blessings with others. Advent also provides an opportunity for us to check for what needs to be put right in our lives, to see how we have failed, and to assess the ways in which we can do better.
Let us accept the challenge of the German mystic Angelus Silesius: “Christ could be born a thousand times in Bethlehem – but all in vain until He is born in me.” Jesus must be reborn in our hearts and lives, during this season of Advent and every day of our lives, in our love, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness.