每周講道 Homily >

常年期第14主日 HOMILY 14th Sunday OT A July 9, 2023



Franklin Fong, OFM

July 9, 2023


A lifelong challenge for all of us understanding of and the use of power in our lives. Today’s readings each deal with various aspects about power in our lives.


In the first reading from Zechariah we hear about a king who is a meek person to his people. He is intent on freeing the world of war and is not anxious to control others.


In the second reading from Romans the powerful spirit of God is said to dwell in persons of human weakness.


In the Gospel of Matthew we hear about the most powerful person who ever lives speaks of himself as one is :gentle and humble of heart”. He looks to his Father as the source of his power. And he assures the powerless that they too can share in the experience and closeness of God.


The whole matter of power is paradoxical. There is strength in weakness. There is life in death. There is self-fulfillment in self-emptying.


How can we empower one another? It has been suggested that we must admit our mutual powerlessness. But too many of us hide our weaknesses in a society where have to look as if “we had to all together”. In one sense we should develop a sense of autonomy and self-sufficiency. However, we should at the same time admit in all honesty our limitations.


If all of us would acknowledge

• our common brokenness and

• our need of God and one another,

we would come to empty ourselves of our desire to control. We would then make room for God and each other.


God empowers is with:

• the power of faith,

• the power of love,

• the power of compassion,

• the power of care.

That is empowering.


Take some time to reflect on your faith journey and try to recall what are the examples in your life

• of how the power of faith been evident to you?

• Of how the power of love been evident to you?

• Of how the power of compassion been evident to you?

• And of how the power of care been evident to you?


Brothers and sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community

of St Leander Parish

that is the Good News for this

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Alleluia Alleluia.





常年期(甲年)第十四主日 (07/09/2023)

讀經一: 匝加利亞先知書 9:9-10
讀經二: 保祿宗徒致羅馬人書 8:9, 11-13
瑪竇福音 11:25-302







· 我們共同的破碎和
· 我們需要天主和彼此,

· 信仰的力量,
· 愛的力量,
· 慈悲的力量,
· 關懷的力量。

· 你如何感受到信仰的力量?
· 你如何感受到愛的力量?
· 你如何感受到慈悲的力量?
· 您如何感受到關懷的力量?

聖利安德堂區的華人天主教團體的兄弟姐妹們, 這是常年期第十四主日的喜訊。
