敬禮聖母痛苦 九月十五日
每年的九月十五日是痛苦聖母的敬禮。痛苦聖母,又稱為七苦聖母,是紀念聖母瑪利亞在人世間所受的苦難。羅馬天主教由1668年起就開始有聖母七苦的敬禮 (來源: 維基百科)。天主教徒們會在九月十五日的日子誦念聖母七苦玫瑰經,一面默想著聖母的七苦。
- 西默盎的預言。在聖母獻耶穌於主堂的時候, 有一個叫西默盎的義人,對瑪利亞說:「有一把利劍將要刺透你的心。」
- 聖家埃及逃難。天使在夢中對若瑟說:「起來,帶著嬰孩和他的母親逃往埃及去, 住在那裏,直到我通知你的時候。」
- 十二歲的小耶穌失蹤三日。衪的母親向衪說:「孩子,為什麼你這樣待我們?看你的父親 和我一直憂苦地在找你。」
- 耶穌背負苦架,向刑場進發。「耶穌背了 十字架向前走,有一大群人和婦女,跟著他。 婦女們為他搥胸痛苦。」
- 耶穌被釘苦架。「他們到了那名叫髑髏的地方, 就在那裏把耶穌釘在十字架上。他的母親 站在耶穌的十字架旁。」
- 耶穌的聖屍由苦架卸下。「阿黎瑪忒雅人 若瑟 要求領取耶穌的遺體。 耶穌的遺體由十字架卸下後, 他的母親接抱在懷中。」
- 耶穌聖屍埋葬。「痛苦之母呀,當若瑟把 耶穌用細麻布包裹,安放在墳墓裏的時候, 你的心多麼痛苦呀!」
(來源: 天主教香港教區禮儀委員會)
聖母七苦玫瑰經的以十字聖號開始,然後默想第一項聖母之苦。默想後唸天主經一遍、聖母經七遍。之後默想第二項聖母之苦,默想後唸天主經一遍、聖母經七遍如此類推,直到聖母七苦全部默想完後誦念或唱聖母痛苦歌 (即是痛苦聖母節日彌撒繼紓詠)。
The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows – September 15
The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15 each year. Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s sorrows in her life. The Roman Catholic started the devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows since 1668 (Wikipedia). Catholics recite the Seven Sorrows rosary on September 15 and meditate upon the sorrows that Mary experienced.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary include:
- The Prophecy. The prophecy of holy Simeon who told Our Sorrowful Mother of the bitter passion and death of Jesus.
- The Flight. Our Sorrowful Mother is forced to flee into Egypt to save her beloved Son from the death decreed by Herod.
- The Loss. Our Sorrowful Mother is separated From Jesus for three long days while He is lost in Jerusalem.
- The Meeting. Our Sorrowful Mother meets Jesus on the road to Calvary and sees Him fall under the cruel weight of the cross.
- Jesus Dies. Our Sorrowful Mother watches Jesus die on the Cross.
- Mary Receives Jesus. Our Sorrowful Mother receives the dead body of Jesus in her arms.
- The Burial. Our Sorrowful Mother sees Jesus placed in the sacred tomb.
How do you recite the Seven Sorrows Rosary?
The Seven Sorrows rosary starts with the sign of the cross, then medidate upon the first sorrow of Mary. After meditation, recite Our Father once and seven Hail Marys. Then proceed onto the meditating the second sorrow of Mary, recite Our Father once and seven Hail Marys, until all of the seven sorrows are completed. The Seven Sorrows rosary concludes with Stabat Mater Dolorosa or At the Cross Her Station Keeping, which could be sung or recited.
If you wish to look at the entire Seven Sorrows Rosary, please visit our website’s Prayer Collection section.