Written by Grace Tom
根據香港余宗憲醫生從癌症預防研究所公佈 常食的抗癌蔬菜排行:
According to HK Dr. Sung Hin Yu from the Cancer Preventive Research Center announces the more common anti-cancer vegetable list:
1. 熟番薯 Cooked sweet potato 98.7%
2. 蘆筍 Asparagus 93.9%
3. 菜心 Choy Sum 90.8%
4. 花椰菜 Cauliflower 82.8%
5. 西芹 Celery 83.7%
6. 茄子皮 Egg Plant Skin 74.0%
7. 甜椒 Bell Pepper 55.5%
8. 胡蘿蔔 Carrot 46.5%
9. 藍梅 Blue berry 34.7%
10.芥菜 Chinese Mustard Green 32.9%
11.番茄 Tomato 23.8%