每周講道 Homily >

常年期第12主日 HOMILY 12th Sunday OT A June 24, 2023


Homily 12th Sunday OT A

Franklin Fong, OFM

June 25, 2023


The lectionary readings today all center on the theme of having courage in good times and challenging times !


In the first reading from Jeremiah, we heard that when he was personally hurt he relied on his awareness of God’s presence and entrusted himself to the Lord. Jeremiah found refuge in God even when his preaching was rejected by the people. Jeremiah showed courage and persisted in his mission in spite of any resistance to his message of God’s love. Nevertheless, there were times when Jeremiah lost his patience and asked for God’s vengeance on these persecutors. As fellow human beings we can understand his frustration and loneliness in doing what God asks of him.


The in the second reading from St Paul’s letter to the Romans, our attention is directed toward an appreciation of God’s grace and mercy. God created Adam and Eve who brought us the gifts of life, sin and death. God also gave us his Son Jesus who showed courage by not only teaching us how to live a life of good deeds but as well opened the doors of eternal life for us !


In the gospel reading from Matthew, we hear of Jesus bringing our attention to the fact that the only thing to fear is our foolishness in denying ourselves God’s love and mercy. God cares for us. God watches over us. We must have courage and trust in God’s protection and be assured of God’s full acknowledgement of our faith especially when we suffer persecution, indifference or disregard in our life of ministry of bringing the light of Christ! As we heard Jesus day “Do not be afraid!”


So what happens then if we do not have enough courage to witness to our faith? We can not accomplish anything! We cannot share in the mission of Christ! We are too easily discouraged whenever we meet any criticism. Clearly then for those who do not have the courage are the ones who do not yet know or appreciate the will of God for them! Fear comes out of the ignorance or lack of self-confidence or lack of support or low self-esteem. This is the big learning curve of our faith journey ! It takes a lifetime and a strong family and community support to witness to our faith in the fullest meaning!


To summarize today’s readings, the first reading talks about Jeremiah’s courageous suffering in the face of his persecutors. The second reading talks about the graciousness of God to us sinners, who face our lives of sin and death. We must then be grateful to Jesus Christ who took courage to die for us and to invite us for eternal life. Finally the Gospel of Matthew encourages us in our missionary work in the face of opposition.


Some questions to reflect about in the coming week are:

1. How did you find your courage in trusting on God in your life? How have you learned to trust in God?

2. What does “speaking from the housetops” mean in your life? How has this evolved over your life of faith?

3. Have you or any friends ever personally experienced hostility in doing your ministries? How did you or they respond?


Brothers and Sisters of the Chinese Catholic Community

that is the Good News for this 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Alleluia Alleluia





常年期(甲年)第十二主日 (06/25/2023)

讀經一: 耶肋米亞先知書 20:10-13
讀經二: 保祿宗徒致羅馬人書 5:12-15
瑪竇福音 10:26-33

今天的讀經都以我們要“充滿勇氣”為主題,不論時勢的順逆 。

在讀經一耶肋米亞先知書 ,我們聽到當他身受傷痛時,他依靠天主的臨在,將自己託付給祂。他在天主那裡找到了庇護所,即使人們拒絕了他的講道。耶肋米亞表現出勇氣,儘管人們反對,他仍堅持使命,傳播天主愛人的信息。儘管如此,有時耶肋米亞也會失去了耐心,祈求天主向這些迫害者報仇。我們同為人類,不難理解他在做天主要求他做的事情時感覺到的沮喪和孤獨。





1. 你是如何找到在生活中信靠天主的勇氣的?你學會了信靠天主嗎?
2. “要在屋上頂張揚出去” 在你的生活中意味著什麼?這在你的信仰生活中經過什演變呢?
3. 你或你的朋友在做事工時有否曾親身經歷過敵意?你或他們有何反應?


