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October 2016 十月份聖良牧民通訊

October 2016 St. Leo Chinese Pastoral Newsletter

網站 Website:  http://www.oaklandccc.org
電郵 Email:  info@oaklandccc.org


Chinese Catholics - A Reflection by Fr. Rob Carbonneau

Chinese Catholics inspire me as living examples of hope.

I first became aware of this when teachers explained how 16th century Jesuit Matteo Ricci applied combined science and friendship to forge a relationship of respect that still exists today. Upon entering the Passionist seminary, this respect became living history when I learned that the Passionists had been missionaries to West Hunan from 1920 to 1955. When former Passionist missionary to China Father Linus Lombard suggested the best way to learn about China was “to let China love you,” I gained confidence to enjoy learning as much as I could about Chinese history and culture.... (CONTINUE TO READ)

About Father Robert Carbonneau, CP, Ph.D.:

Fr. Rob is a Passionist priest and member of St. Paul of the Cross Province (eastern US). He received a Ph.D. in American and East Asian History from Georgetown University. Since completing his doctoral work on the Passionist missionaries in twentieth century China, Fr. Rob taught Chinese, Japanese, World and Catholic mission history and U.S. history in various American universities and graduate schools as well as as a foreign expert in Chongqing from 2007 to 2008. His respect for the Catholic Church in China continues on as he currently works at the Ricci Institute, University of San Francisco, as an Archives Specialist assigned to the Passionist China Collection digitization project.

Source:  Board and Staff, U.S. Catholic China Bureau.



Matteo Ricci Award Dinner - November 3, 2016

Since its founding in 1989, the U.S. Catholic China Bureau has continued to educate American Catholics about the Catholic Church in China. Located in Berkeley, California, our Mission is to provide resources and information to people in the church pews and those who have a serious and professional interest in the Catholic Church in China, the religious situation in China and the general situation in China. The U.S. Catholic China Bureau further seeks to foster opportunities for cooperation and service between American Catholics and Chinese Catholics... (CONTINUE TO READ)




by Deacon Danny Wong









十月份禱文 Prayer for October



二零零二年十月十六日,教宗若望保錄二世發表了牧函《童貞瑪利亞的玫瑰經》。教宗若望保錄二世在牧函中這樣說...... (按此繼續閱讀)



健康資訊 Health + Wellness

什麼食物含有豐富的維他命D ?  今期Grace Tom姊妹為我們帶來很多有用的食物營養常識,讓我們的身心更健康!

What food is a great source of Vitamin D?  This month, Grace Tom (retired RN) is sharing tons of useful knowledge with us about food, so that we can live a healthy lifestyle!




十月份教友分享 October Sharing


Jesus, I Trust in You

- Submitted and written by CradleCatholic2.0

I am a big worrier. While in school, I worried about getting good enough grades to go to college. In college, I constantly worried about getting a job. Now that I'm working, I worry about meeting deadlines. I also worry about my family, about their health and overall well being. This continues on and on; my worries are endless. ...(CONTINUE TO READ)



你的信仰生活中有好故事,或個人經歷,或美味食譜願意和大家分享嗎?  請電郵投稿至info@oaklandccc.org。文章覆核後會刊登到我們的網站及於每月通訊發出。

Do you have something to share with others on your journey of faith?  Email info@oaklandccc.org.  Approved submissions will be posted on our website and highlighted in our newsletter.





天主教會幾乎人人誦念玫瑰經,部分正教教友、以及新教中聖公會信友和一些其他派別也有用玫瑰經祈禱的習慣。誦念玫瑰經有專門的念珠,由59顆珠子、十字架和三角聖牌構成。許多教友都是在聖物組購買念珠使用,其實如果能自己製作的話,不僅更有意義,還可以作為福傳的小禮物。做念珠的方法有許多種,常見的有珠子+銅絲,有珠子+絲線,也有用線編成的。下面來教大家一種非常簡便易學的製作玫瑰經念珠的方法...... (按此觀看詳細內容)




Copyright © 2016 Oakland St. Leo Chinese Catholic Community, All rights reserved.

Website:  http://www.oaklandccc.org

Email:  info@oaklandccc.org