每周講道 Homily >

常年期第32主日 Homily 32nd Sunday OT C November 6


Homily 32nd Sunday OT 2022

Franklin Fong, OFM


Two questions are raised by today’s readings. What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to live for?

The first reading from 2nd Maccabees we hear about a mother and her seven sons who say that they are ready to die rather than to disobey religious convictions. Fidelity to their religious convictions is worth everything and we must always continue fighting for our faith and principles in the face of death. We know that we will live forever with God.  

Psalm 17 reminds us that we can pray to God as ”attending to my outcry” to bring forth God’s glory with joy !

The second reading from 2nd Thessalonians, we hear of how much God loves us and want us to live on earth with the hope of continuing life. Recall that last Sunday that God loves all things he made, and wants us to be with him. And so this reading specifically focuses on the different ways that our faith will be challenged by the crises of which come up in our lives in our world !  

In the Gospel reading from Luke we hear Jesus arguing in favor of faith of a risen life following death. After all God is a God of the living. God wills that all who die should become “alive for him.”

Since we do not fully understand our wonderful, but mysterious, living union with God, the Gospel readings clearly indicate that as well, we do not know just how we will be united with one another. We do know that our personal relationships will be perfected in our future life with God. Jesus tells us that risen persons will not be taken up with resolving or settling the legalities of marital rights and responsibilities. Our eternal life will be something entirely new. It will be the perfection of what we have only begun on earth.  

So given our faith in our continuing life with God and with one another, it might be better to ask the question of ourselves: “what am I willing to live for? rather than: “What am I willing to die for?” How do I witness this to especially our sons and daughters and other young people as we heard in the first reading?

May we affirm that we are ready to live forever with God and with one another.

So Brothers and Sisters of the St Leander Chinese Catholic Community that is the Good News for this 32nd Sunday of Ordinary time.

Alleluia alleluia !


Fr. Fong





2022 年常年期第 32 個主日講道





聖詠第 17 篇提醒我們,我們可以向天主祈禱,“傾聽我的呼求”,以喜樂的方式帶來天主的榮耀!







