每周講道 Homily >

常年期第25主日 Homily 25th Sunday OT C September 18


25th Sunday Ordinary Time Homily 2022


Reading 1: Amos 8:4-7 Reading 2: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Gospel Luke 16:1-13

Homily presented by Franklin Fong, OFM


This weekend’s readings are an interesting grouping of readings that all focus our attention on how we are to relate to the economic and business parts of our human world.

In the first reading from Amos we hear that we are not to accumulate wealth nor to oppress nor cheat the poor and down trodden. And that more importantly, God will remember how we treated others.

Then in the second reading from St Paul’s letter to Timothy, we hear of how we are to pray for, yes even the powerful and those in authority as well as to gentiles, strangers, yes everyone. And most importantly is that we pray for them without anger or argument, in other words to pray for them with love. 

Finally in the Gospel reading from Luke we hear of how we must not have two masters. Wealth competes with God as our Lord and master. Our God will pay attention to how we treat the poor and marginated in our world. The key point here is that you do not show disdain for the poor and to manage whatever wealth we have with consideration of the greater riches awaiting us in heaven. In other words you treat people with love and wealth is to be shared.

So what is the take home message?  

Are our moral judgements consistent with the Gospel and Catholic social teaching? Holiness is not limited to the sanctuary. It is not limited to moments of private prayer.

We must preach with our head, heart and hands to bring the light of the Gospel to economic affairs of the our neighborhood and our world.  

Every perspective on economic life in our world that is human, moral and Christian must address three basic questions:


(1) What does the economy do for people? When you are doing things of any kind, do not wreck the lives of the poor. God loves them very much and will remember your crime.  

(2) What does the economy do to people. Don’t forget to be shrewd when you make things better for others. Nothing good can endure unless pragmatism enters in. Make the benefits go as far as you can.

And (3) How do people participate in the economic life?


All these areas must serve the material and spiritual well-being of people.

Finally, the second reading asks that we pray for those in authority. In the economic world, we need to pray for everyone who is involved in the business and economic world and not only those in authority!  

So, A simple act of kindness which begins a series of prayers and then the interventions by the Holy Spirit to enable the care of the poor and hungry of our neighborhoods to be cared for.    

Yes it begins with one simple leap of faith, followed by a series of leaps of faith and prayers to St Anthony, to St Mary, and the Holy Spirit – and we now see this incredible array of social services provided by many church organizations and committed laity to do something with love.


Sisters and brothers,

thank you for being such faithful preachers of the Good News

here in San Leandro !




Fr. Fong






讀經一: 亞毛斯先知書 8: 4-7
讀經二: 第茂德前書: 2: 1-8
路加福音 16: 1-13






(1) 經濟為人做了什麼?當你做任何經濟事情時,不要破壞弱勢社羣的生活。天主非常愛他們,並且會記住你的惡行。
(2) 經濟對人做了什麼?當您要為他人做得更好時,不要忘記事情的可行性和實用性。否則任何好事都無法持久。盡可能為人帶來最大效益。
(3) 人們如何參與經濟生活?所有這些經濟事務都應以提升人們的物質和精神福祉為依歸。



