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September 2016 九月份聖良牧民通訊

September 2016 St. Leo Chinese Pastoral Newsletter

網站 Website:  http://www.oaklandccc.org
電郵 Email:  info@oaklandccc.org



Fr. Francis Ching's October Workshops in the Bay Area

感謝主!  讚美主!  我們很榮幸能夠邀請到程明聰神父於10月11日至16日為我們屋崙天主教華人牧民中心舉辦一連串的神修工作坊。工作坊包括中文(粵語及國語)和英文講座、粵語避靜、以及主日彌撒。歡迎所有不論遠近的教友或非教友參加。宣傳單張、活動詳細內容及報名方法將於9月5日由電郵及網站發出。主佑!

想多點了解程神父的背景?  請瀏覽程神父的Facebook網頁!  網頁內有程神父的事工時間表及影片分享!

Thanks be to God!  Praise the Lord!  It is our pleasure to have Fr. Francis Ching to visit us in the Bay Area in mid-October.  Fr. Francis will be hosting a series of talks and activities for our Chinese Pastoral and Cultural Center (formerly known as the Oakland Chinese Catholic Pastoral Center) during the week of October 11 through 16.  Activities include Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and English talks, Cantonese retreat, and Sunday masses.  We cordially invite all Christians and non-Christians to attend, whether you are near or far.  We will post the promotional flyer, information about the schedule and registration on September 5, via the email system as well as online website. God bless!

Do you want to know more about Fr. Francis'?  Check his Facebook page out, which contains his mission schedule and video sharing!


Hitting the Mission Field

by Fr. Francis Ching, CC (程明聰神父)

Fr. Francis Ching was ordained to the priesthood in 2005. He is from Toronto, ON.

In July 2015, I began a new page in my priesthood. I became fulltime giving retreats, missions, and special ministries of evangelization.

It all started in 2014 when I finished my role as the Administrator of St. Timothy Parish in Toronto. In the few months after that, while initially I felt the need to slow down and recuperate, yet slowly I began to experience a lack of zeal and enthusiasm in my parochial ministry. As it was also at that time that I was coming toward the end of my first ten years of priesthood, a priest friend casually reminded me that the honeymoon is over, but the next ten years is the time I should develop in my gifts. That passing remark turned out to be providential. With the help of my brother priests in the house, I quickly discover that... (CONTINUE TO READ)



The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows 

每年的九月十五日是痛苦聖母的敬禮。痛苦聖母,又稱為七苦聖母,是紀念聖母瑪利亞在人世間所受的苦難。羅馬天主教由1668年起就開始有聖母七苦的敬禮...... (按此繼續閱讀)

The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15 each year.  Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s sorrows in her life.  The Roman Catholic started the devotion to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows since 1668... (CONTINUE TO READ)


九月份禱文 Prayer for September

Seven Sorrows Rosary

如何誦念聖母七苦玫瑰經?  按此閱讀中文版!

How do you pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary?  CLICK HERE to read the English version!



健康資訊 Health + Wellness

什麼是健康飲食?  怎樣才能越吃越健康?  今期Grace Tom姊妹為我們帶來很多有關食物營養常識,讓我們的人生過得更健康,更快樂!

What is healthy eating?  How do we get healthier by eating?  This month, Grace Tom (retired RN) is sharing tons of useful knowledge with us about nutrition and food, so that we can live healthier and happier!





撰寫:  Ka Lok      編輯:  Helen


就以我們熟悉,在八、九十年代風行於香港各堂區的中文聖樂經典歌書──《頌恩》和《心頌》來說,裏面許多歌曲都取材自舊約聖經中的聖詠,幾乎全是歌頌天主..... (按此繼續閱讀)



九月份教友分享 September Sharing


Love in Sports, Sportsmanship in Love

- Submitted and written by Lance Ma

One of my favorite hobbies is watching sports, because it always gives me a sense of excitement when I see gifted athlete attempts jaw-dropping feats.  It always gives me a rush and euphoria like nothing else because sports competition inspired the limit of human physical prowess.  My association of sports to achievement started when I was a young kid.  My father was a volleyball player in the military... (CONTINUE TO READ)



 - 由何淑菁姊妹提供

"雪芳蛋糕最大特色是口感鬆軟,採用分蛋打發的技巧,使組織包有充分空氣而爽口細緻,同時因為以植物油取代牛油,空氣也較易藏於蛋糕之內。此外,這亦使蛋糕的熱量較低。" - 維基百科



你的信仰生活中有好故事,或個人經歷,或美味食譜願意和大家分享嗎?  請電郵投稿至info@oaklandccc.org。文章覆核後會刊登到我們的網站及於每月通訊發出。

Do you have something to share with others on your journey of faith?  Email info@oaklandccc.org.  Approved submissions will be posted on our website and highlighted in our newsletter.







Oakland Catholic Worker團體急需懂中英文的雙語義工!



Copyright © 2016 Oakland St. Leo Chinese Catholic Community, All rights reserved.

Website:  http://www.oaklandccc.org

Email:  info@oaklandccc.org